
Botw How To Kill Guardians

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The new Zelda game is incredible, and it is too complicated. Jiff of the Wild has interlocking systems that enable you to practise some incredible things, simply you may find yourself overwhelmed when you beginning. And I'one thousand here to help.

Before we become into it, a piece of advice: Don't sell the loot you collect unless you lot're sure y'all don't need it. You can sell the items you craft, like nutrient or elixirs, but you volition accept a use for only about anything in your inventory. And you don't desire to sell all your Ancient Shafts just to find out you need them an hour afterward.

OK, now let'southward become on to the tips.

Understanding weapon immovability

Your weapons are going to break. Get used to it.

Early on, the weapons y'all find and have from other creatures seem like they are made from balsa woods and built by a blacksmith who hates their job. It's common for a new spear or sword to crumble after but three fights.

Y'all can go frustrated with this, or y'all can accept it. The tip here is that you should use this as an opportunity to experiment with different kinds of weapons. And you lot should also endeavour to hang on to at to the lowest degree one strong weapon in case you come beyond a more than powerful enemy. The strength of the weapon is the number in the box on the inventory screen, and yous tin can tell if a weapon is more or less durable than normal by reading the flavor text on the inventory screen.

Beyond that, just know that y'all'll first regularly getting awesome weapons afterwards on.

How to spot active Guardians and then kill them

The camera also has some other utilise. You lot can indicate it at the dilapidated Guardians, and the camera will tell you lot if it'due south going to all of a sudden come to life and assail yous.

Come at me!

Above: Come up at me!

Image Credit: GamesBeat

When you lot do become into combat with a Guardian, you lot'll probable have a tough fourth dimension beating them. Here's a couple of tricks:

  • Find a shield.
  • Lock onto a Guardian with ZL to hold up your shield (if you accept a two-handed weapon, you'll need to sheath it).
  • If you hitting the A button while holding the lock-on button right later on the Guardian fires its blue-colored boom at y'all (and I mean right later you see that brilliant blue wink), you'll deflect the assault right dorsum at the aboriginal machine. If you time it right, this volition also not do whatsoever impairment to your shield.
  • I previously thought you needed a Guardian shield to do this, merely y'all any shield volition piece of work.
  • If yous are struggling with the shield technique, you'll need Ancient weapons to hands fight Guardians. You lot can become these past traveling to the Northeast to the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab. There, yous can merchandise in more than ancient parts (which you pick upwards from broken or defeated Guardians) and rupees to purchase items similar swords, arrow, bows, and more that are designed to kill Guardians.
  • But you should probably get good with the shield play a joke on (or go afterward the Master Sword early on in the game).

How to climb in the pelting

Climbing in the rain is just not really an option for a lot of the game. Typically, you're all-time off finding a dry out alcove to start a burn down so you lot can pass some time and wait out the rain. Yous can start a burn down by holding a packet of wood and a flintstone, dropping them on the ground, and hitting them with something metallic. If yous have a fire sword or a like weapon, yous can start a burn down with but forest.

But if you're determined to become to the top of a mount in the rain, y'all need to utilise the following technique:

  • Find a path to where you want to go that is not a sheer cliff wall. You can't climb up vertical surfaces in the rain.
  • Instead, endeavor to discover a path that is at to the lowest degree a few degrees less steep than a ninety-degree angle to the ground.
  • Effort to stay on your anxiety as much as possible.
  • If Link grabs the wall to start climbing, immediately printing B and endeavour to run some more.
  • If yous are shut enough to a landing signal, you lot can spring, immediately press B, wait for Link to grab the wall, and then printing jump again.

It's a tough technique, and it works in a lot of circumstances. Here'southward an example of how it works:

Finding and using special powers

At the outset of the game, Link must collect magic abilities from the four shrines on the Dandy Plateau. These enable yous to summon bombs, stop fourth dimension on certain objects, create pillars of ice in the water, and control magnetic items. But those are but your basic spells. Eventually, you tin go much more than powerful magicks that will save y'all in combat and assist y'all in exploration. Hither's what they are, where to notice them, and how to use them

Mipha'south Grace

  • When this power is active, it will automatically restore your life to beyond your max HP whenever yous complete deplete your heart meter. This is crucial for tough fights because it enables you to accept a one-hit killing blow and still become up to go along the fight.
  • You lot become it by completing the Divine Animate being quest in Zora domain.
  • It has a 20-minute cooldown timer.

Revali'south Gale

  • Apply this power to take hold of a pillar of air current by belongings down the leap button. It's of import for exploring the word, simply you lot can also utilise it in gainsay because it's an easy way to reach weak points or to get to a point where yous can activate your slow-motility bow-and-arrow attack.
  • You'll observe information technology by completing the Divine Beast quest that starts in the Rito village to the northeast.
  • You tin can use it twice before it needs a 6-minute cooldown timer.

Daruk'south Protection

  • This is a magical shield that you can turn on past hitting ZL to lock onto enemies. If you take a hit, Daruk'due south glowing red sphere will protect you from it.
  • You lot go it by completing the Divine Beast quest to the north in the Goron village near Expiry Mountain.
  • It can absorb three hits, but then information technology needs to cooldown for x minutes.

Urbosa's Fury

  • This is a magical attack that will harm and shock enemies in a big sphere by holding downwardly the attack button. This is crucial for when fights are getting out of manus with too many enemies or a difficult boss.
  • You become information technology past completing the Divine Fauna quest that starts in the Gerudo town in the desert to the West.
  • Y'all can do iii Urbosa'south Fury attacks earlier it needs a 12-infinitesimal cooldown.

How to get more stamina and more heart containers


Above: PRAY TO ME!

Breath of the Wild doesn't accept pieces of heart containers hidden around the world, and you won't become a full container ofttimes, either. Instead, you lot'll expand your life meter and stamina bar by completing the more than 100 claiming dungeons. Spirits Orbs are standard reward for solving ane of the smaller puzzle dungeons, and you tin can go pray to a goddess statue and select either an extra heart or more stamina after collecting iv of them.

Yous can find goddess statues in most villages, but you can always find one at the Temple of Fourth dimension or in the center of Kakariko Village.

What to do with Korok seeds?

Soon after you start, you'll begin finding footling forest spirits called Koroks. They'll advantage you with seeds for uncovering them. You should take those seeds to the river north of the Dueling Peaks Stable. Don't cross the bridge; instead, walk effectually the river until you notice a giant Korok who is distressing about his lost maracas. Follow his quest to get his maracas, and then he will accept your seeds in exchange or expanding your inventory slots.

Cooking 101

I don't recall you'll need to download a list of recipes for Breath of the Wild. You lot could, but I think that's a waste of fourth dimension. Instead, you should larn the basic rules of how this system works.

Here's what you lot should know:

  • You can cook in any frying pan. If it'southward non already over a fire, you'll have to start one. You lot can light the fire under a pan using a nearby fire and a torch, flame arrows, or a flaming weapon. Merely it's most efficient to place a flint rock (found in ore deposits) next to the woods and striking it with a metal weapon.
  • Cooking meat, fruit, veggies, and other substantial foods will make them slightly more constructive.
  • Mixing ingredients together in the pan is the key to making complex meals that volition provide you a lot of health, extended status furnishings, and more.
  • But don't mix items at random — effort to pair meat together with common salt to brand salt-grilled meat that can replace a lot of hearts.
  • For status effects, pay attending to the name of the ingredients. The Staminoka Fish and the Stamella Shroom can both replenish your stamina, cooking them together can have a compounding consequence that increases the effectiveness of the repast.
  • Don't mix together two dissimilar kinds of effects, as they'll cancel each other out.
  • Don't throw in a bunch of ingredients for the hell of it. If you mix together a multiple mushrooms and 1 piece of meat, the result may cancel out the meat to give you lot a mushroom skewer that you could've fabricated without wasting the meat.
  • Early during your take chances, mixing 2 or three ingredients is better than three or four because yous probably don't need a meal that replenishes eleven hearts. You'd exist better off with four meals that recover 3 hearts each.
  • Low-level, mid-level, and loftier-level: To go higher-level status effects, you're going to need more than of the active ingredient. For example, you tin make a high-level electric-resistant dish that lasts 12.5 minutes past cooking iii Zapshrooms and two Electric Staffina. A good dominion of thumb is that you won't get a high-level resistance or buff unless you take at least four active ingredients, but five is even better.

But actually, yous should experiment. Cooking is something you lot tin acquire in this game, and I remember it's really best if you lot become for it.

Elixirs 101

Making elixirs is similar to cooking, but it'due south maybe a flake easier.

Here'due south what you should know:

  • For most elixirs, you can mix a status-affected bug or reptile with monster parts to go what you desire.
  • The flavor text will tell you what something similar the Sunset Firefly does (it improves your stealth rating), and you tin can popular it into the pan with four bokoblin horns to get a long-lasting elixir.
  • If you want a more powerful elixir, y'all tin can endeavour using some of the more than rare monster parts.
  • Be careful: Read the text for the monster parts. If it says something like, "information technology may take a utilise," don't mix it for an elixir. Relieve information technology because you'll need it for other kinds of upgrades.

What to practice with precious metals

You tin sell metals like opal, diamonds, ruby, and more for a lot of rupees, only you can also give them to a woman who runs the shop on the correct side of Gerudo town. She will build you headwear with condition effects, which is of import for completing full armor sets. Yous can too give the metallic to the Great Fairies to upgrade your headwear.

Upgrading your habiliment with monster parts and chu jelly

Speaking of Kakariko Village, just to its north, you'll find the Ta'loh Naeg Shrine. Walk by that into the woods and you lot'll quickly discover a Great Fairy Fountain. This fairy will improve your clothing if you give her sure monster parts. All of the monster parts that she accepts will say something such equally "it may have other uses" in the flavor text.

Give me your clothes!

Above: Give me your wearing apparel!

Image Credit: Jeff Grubb/GamesBeat

To upgrade you clothes once more, you'll want to find another fairy. There'southward a second one in the Tabanatha region across the span from the horse stable.

How to hands catch bugs and fish

Are you lot finding that bugs and fish always scamper abroad from you before you can grab 'em? And then y'all should get the stealth Shieka armor from the armor shop in Kakariko Village. It'due south expensive (try cooking some meals and selling them if you lot need the greenbacks immediately, and be sure to sell your precious stones). If you buy the whole gear up, yous can hands sneak up on bugs and fish even without going into the stealth stance. Information technology makes catching those critters much easier.

If you're just trying to fish, however, y'all tin throw bombs into the water where you see them swimming. This volition instantly kill the fish, and yous tin swim up and grab them.

How to climb mountains

Climbing is an fine art in Breath of the Wild. You don't desire to spam the jump push because y'all'll cash your stamina meter way too fast. Merely but pure climbing is way too slow. I've found that climbing upward to points of even actually steep inclines, hitting B, and trying to run enables link to build back up his stamina meter while ascending relatively quickly. This won't work on a sheer cliff, but you tin can see in the video to a higher place that I got to the pinnacle of the Dueling Peaks pretty rapidly using this method. Of course, if it's raining, climbing is typically an all around bad idea, but you'll have slightly better luck if you have climbing gear (like the climbing pants and bandanna).

Yous can find the climbing pants on Mounta Lanayru's far-east side. It is hiding backside a bombable wall.

What to practise with Luminous Stones

There's a Zora near the front end of the Zora domain that shows up after yous stop the temple in that area. He wants 10 Luminous Stones, so try to save them until you see him. He'll give yous ii diamonds the first time, and and so he'll requite you i diamond for each 10 Luminous Stones after that.

How to utilize the camera to find certain items

1 of the near important items in Breath of the Wild is the camera. You'll get it from the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab on the outskirts of Hateno Village. You tin use information technology to browse everything in the globe to add it to your Hyrule Compendium. In one case information technology'due south in your compendium, you can set your Sheikah Sensor to help you rail down that item. Yous'll demand this if you're trying to quickly complete certain side-quests.

Where to notice a Guardian shield.

You lot can get a Guardian shield by defeating certain challenge shrines. Try the Pumaag Nitae Shrine to the South of the overworld map:

Defeat the Guardian in here to get a Shield.

Above: Defeat the Guardian in here to get a Shield.

Paradigm Credit: GamesBeat

Are you wondering how to practise something and don't run into information technology hither?

Hey, email me if you have an unanswered question about Breath of the Wild. Let's figure this out together, and then we can expand this guide for everybody!

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